Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

A social medium, as articulated by Vanessa Andreotti, can be understood as a dynamic and complex space where diverse individuals and communities engage with each other, share information, and co-create meanings through various forms of interaction. It transcends mere communication tools to become an evolving landscape that reflects, influences, and contests societal norms, values, and power dynamics. Social media platforms, therefore, are not just neutral conduits of content but are embedded with the potential to both perpetuate and disrupt existing structures of knowledge, identity, and authority. By participating in these spaces, individuals contribute to the ongoing negotiation of cultural narratives and social realities, making them active agents in an interconnected, digitally mediated world.

See also: social mobility, power relation, global change, human right

ClimateExistence Day 1: Existence Beyond the House that Modernity Built by Vanessa Andreotti 1,207

EP.11 Vanessa Andreotti: The World as a Living Metabolism 636

Vanessa Andreotti: Beyond Inclusion 248

Sustainability Talks at Campus Gotland 7 December 2018 Vanessa Andreotti 235

Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures 150

Global education in times of unprecedented changes - Vanessa Andreotti keynote address #GCE 91